Foothills School of Arts and Sciences is looking for a part time junior high Spanish teacher. Find the job description here.
The Montana Association of Language Teachers is putting on its 66th annual spring conference on April 17! Featuring Dr. Cassandra Glynn, Associate Professor of Education at Concordia College, the conference will focus on social justice education in the world language classroom. Glynnis the co-author of Words and Actions: Teaching Languages through the Lens of Social Justice. The cost is only $10 for all PNCFL members (if you're an IATLC member, this includes you!). Get more information and register here.
PNCFL Spring Conference, March 5-6:
For the first time in many years, PNCFL - Pacific Northwest Consortium for Foreign Languages will be holding a regional conference! The conference is virtual. This will be an exciting time to join with language teachers from all over the Northwest for inspiration and professional development. Conference Details and Registration Consider presenting! Step out there and share what you are doing! Then let us know so that we can share this on our IATLC website. Proposals are due by Jan 30. Proposal Form Congratulations to Jorge Pulleiro for being chosen as Idaho Teacher of the Year! Jorge has taught Spanish since 2012 at Wood River Middle School. For more information on Jorge and this great honor, see this article by Gretel Kauffman for Idaho Mountain Express:
In honor of Sandy Garcia’s decades of service to COFLT, PNCFL, and ACTFL, the PNCFL Board has voted to honor Sandy’s legacy as a lifelong learner this year by offering a stipend (up to $200) for a member of each PNCFL state to attend the ACTFL Convention. This includes individuals who have already registered and paid to attend (the early bird rate for members was $185.00) Each state will be responsible for setting selection criteria and identifying their state’s selected individual. Each state president and/or PNCFL state representative will provide the name of their state’s selected member to PNCFL Executive Director Lauren Kiolet ([email protected]) and PNCFL Treasurer Lisa Werner ([email protected]) no later than Friday, October 30, 2020. Proof of ACTFL registration and payment must be submitted to Lisa to receive the stipend or reimbursement. Any fees/dues beyond the $200.00 are the responsibility of the individual. Questions may be directed to PNCFL President Brandon Locke at [email protected].
Sandy Garcia was a language educator since 1987, teaching Japanese, Spanish, and methods at Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR. She was also a lifelong learner and spent decades giving her time and talents to the profession. Her countless contributions showed the true essence of service leadership. She spent many years serving in multiple roles on the boards of COFLT, PNCFL, and ACTFL, and for the past three years she represented PNCFL on the ACTFL Board. On March 7, 2020, the Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching honored Sandy Garcia with its highest honor, the Lifetime Contribution to the Profession award, at the 2020 COFLT Spring Workshops. March 7th also marks the date that Oregon lost a passionate language teacher and vocal advocate for language learning and cultural exchange, as Sandy passed away peacefully at home after a years-long battle with cancer. ![]()
It's not too late to get credit through NNU for attending the fall conference! See the attached flier for details.
![]() The American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) is hosting a series of Zoom webinars this summer featuring some of the presenters who were due to present at their canceled conference. See the whole program here. You can register for as many or as few webinars as you want, and you can also get one graduate credit through Webster University in Saint Louis for $195. You can register for the webinars here. You must be a member of AATF to participate. If you are not currently a member, join here. If you have any questions about registering or the requirements for the credit, email [email protected]. ![]() We're thrilled to have Dr. Bridget Yaden join us as our Keynote Speaker for 2020! She is the 2020 ACTFL president. She is dedicated to issues of access and equity in order to advance the study of all world languages in the U.S. She has worked at Pacific Lutheran University since 1996, serving as a Professor of Hispanic Studies, Director of the Language Resource Center, and former Chair of Languages and Literatures. She teaches Spanish language and linguistics as well as World Language and ELL theories and methods courses. Bridget is proud to have mentored dozens of teachers of less commonly taught languages on their path to full teacher certification in Washington State. Bridget served as the Pacific Northwest Council for Languages (PNCFL) representative on the ACTFL board from 2010-2013 and served as ACTFL Treasurer in 2013 and as Convention Chair in both 2011 and 2012. Since her initial board term ended, she has also served on ACTFL’s Finance & Audit and Professional Learning Committees. |