In honor of Sandy Garcia’s decades of service to COFLT, PNCFL, and ACTFL, the PNCFL Board has voted to honor Sandy’s legacy as a lifelong learner this year by offering a stipend (up to $200) for a member of each PNCFL state to attend the ACTFL Convention. This includes individuals who have already registered and paid to attend (the early bird rate for members was $185.00) Each state will be responsible for setting selection criteria and identifying their state’s selected individual. Each state president and/or PNCFL state representative will provide the name of their state’s selected member to PNCFL Executive Director Lauren Kiolet ([email protected]) and PNCFL Treasurer Lisa Werner ([email protected]) no later than Friday, October 30, 2020. Proof of ACTFL registration and payment must be submitted to Lisa to receive the stipend or reimbursement. Any fees/dues beyond the $200.00 are the responsibility of the individual. Questions may be directed to PNCFL President Brandon Locke at [email protected].
Sandy Garcia was a language educator since 1987, teaching Japanese, Spanish, and methods at Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR. She was also a lifelong learner and spent decades giving her time and talents to the profession. Her countless contributions showed the true essence of service leadership. She spent many years serving in multiple roles on the boards of COFLT, PNCFL, and ACTFL, and for the past three years she represented PNCFL on the ACTFL Board. On March 7, 2020, the Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching honored Sandy Garcia with its highest honor, the Lifetime Contribution to the Profession award, at the 2020 COFLT Spring Workshops. March 7th also marks the date that Oregon lost a passionate language teacher and vocal advocate for language learning and cultural exchange, as Sandy passed away peacefully at home after a years-long battle with cancer.
It's not too late to get credit through NNU for attending the fall conference! See the attached flier for details.